TOP 15 Albums of 2006 pt. 1
.: Best of 2006 pt. 1 Podcast
BEST OF 2006
Well everyone is making the best of 2006 and why not the P&S. This will be a two part post with this being Part 1 of 2. Below are 8 (in no particular order) of my top 15 albums, embraced in a podcast for your listening pleasure. Enjoy.
Sufjan Stevens - Songs for Christmas
- featuring I Saw Three Ships
Drakkar Sauna - Jabraham Lincoln
- featuring Om, John Surratt
Xiu Xiu - Air Force
- featuring The Fox and the Rabbit
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go
- featuring Strange Form of Life
Metallic Falcons - Desert Doughnuts
- featuring Disparu
Thom Yorke - The Eraser
- featuring The Clock (Surgeon Remix)
Johnny Cash - American V
- featuring God's Gonna Cut You Down
Band of Horses - Everything All the Time
- featuring The Funeral